Terms to Study for 2d Test (Fall 2006)
- "Walking Purchase"
- Enlightenment
- Locke, John: liberalism, tabula rasa, right of revolution, sensationalism, Thoughts on Education
- Great Awakening
- colonial assemblies
- rights of Englishmen
- French and Indian War/Seven Years War
- Pontiac's Rebellion
- Proclamation of 1763
- Boone, Daniel
- land shortages
- British imperial reforms: Stamp Act, Sugar Act (1764), Quartering Act
- Barre, Isaac
- Hutchinson, Thomas
- Stamp Act crisis: Sons of Liberty, riots, nonimportation, Declaratory Act
- Boston Massacre
- Boston Tea Party
- Coercive Acts
- Continental Congress (1st & 2d)
- Battles of Lexington and Concord
- Summary View of the Rights of British America
- natural rights
- Common Sense
- Declaration of Independence
- Lord Dunmore's Proclamation
- Battle of Saratoga
- Loyalists
Founders: know generally their backgrounds, the roles they played (including the major offices they may have held & the party they were associated with) in the various political events we have touched on, what their views were on important issues
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Paine, Thomas
- Franklin, Benjamin
- Adams, Samuel
- Adams, John
- Rush, Benjamin
- Hamilton, Alexander
- Madison, James
- Washington, George
- state constitutions : Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776
- "Contagion of liberty"
- "republican motherhood"
- Murray, Judith Sargent
- impact of the Revolution on:
- slavery
- family, sex, & marriage
- women
- politics
- religion ("disestablishment")
- social life
- Hewes, George Robert Twelves
- The Articles of Confederation
- Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
- Confederation government: powers it lacked, financial and diplomatic problems
- Free black community, growth of: Richard Allen, Absalom Jones, AME Church
- Shays' Rebellion
- debtor relief laws
- Federalists
- Constitutional convention: Annapolis Convention, Virginia Plan, Connecticut Compromise, Committee of Detail, Committee of Style
- sovereignty, division of ("imperium in imperio")
- Constitution, features of:
- enumerated powers
- slavery protections: 3/5, "full faith and credit," slave trade, etc.
- anti-democratic features
- significance of Preamble
- "necessary & proper" clause
- Antifederalists
- Bill of Rights
Hamilton's financial program: "funding" & "assumption" (national debt), Bank of United States, excise tax
Jefferson vs. Hamilton:
views of proper role & style of government, use of force
interpretations of Constitution
views on foreign policy
"commercial discrimination"