Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Question for Jeff Pasley's section, 10/5/06

Read as much as you can of the Kramnick assignment given below, especially the introduction, and consider the following question: The Enlightenment is often considered the primary root of modern life and thought. The modern university would be unthinkable without it. In your experience, does present-day American culture adhere to Enlightenment principles? Give an example to support your answer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe that present-day American culture adhere to the Enlightenment principles. The enlightenment encourged scientific thought and reason and with this people are encourged to believe what they want, do what they want, and live their life as they plan it. They want you to use your own senses to gain knowledge even if in school we are learning out of books, we are still encouraged to put our own thoughts and imput throughout class. The Enlightenment is often considered the primary root of modern life and thought and I do believe that it comes hand in hand with out present-day American culture with a few exceptions and scaled down.

Friday, December 08, 2006 12:27:00 AM  

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