Tuesday, October 03, 2006

John Smith's "stock" question

This is for Kris Maulden's students who choose to write their term papers on John Smith's Generall Historie of Virginia. As I said before, you can write on any question you wish, but it has to be approved by me. If you cannot come up with a question, here are two options:

1. Do you think that John Smith is a "patriarch in the wilderness," or not? If you think he is, how does John Smith portray himself as a would-be patriarch? If you think he is not, how is John Smith's leadership not patriarchal? What does John Smith's leadership style tell you about early Jamestown?

2. Was John Smith "looking out for number one" in his book? To answer this question, you will need to use John Smith to prove or disprove the thesis of T.H. Breen's article from the online reader.


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