Tuesday, September 05, 2006

John Smith's "Generall Historie of Virginia"

As promised, the above link will take you to a digital version of John Smith's Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles.

Those of you interested in reading it can do it from that website, but be patient; there is a lot of text and even on a high-speed connection the page will take a few minutes to load. You can begin with page 1 (the front matter denoted by Roman numerals is not required, but it does provide a fair summary of events for the whole book if you just want to see what is in the book), and continue at least through the year 1609 (p. 96). If the site wears out your patience, you can always pick up a version from Ellis Library and read it that way.

For Kris Maulden's students: If you want to write a paper over this book, please post questions on which you would like to write as comments, or talk to me.


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