Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Discussion topics for 4/13-14

Make sure you've read the online reader unit 6 and the Revolution of 1800 documents that Professor Pasley will post before Thursday.

1. Following Kris's excellent question on the necessary and proper clause, let's look at another Federalist policy that has become increasingly visible in discussions surrounding the current presidential administration, the Alien and Sedition acts. Several columns and editorials have compared the Patriot Act to the Alien and Sedition Acts. On what basis can these comparisons be made? Are they accurate?

2. Once again living off the scraps from Kris's table, was there a political basis for calling the election of 1800 a "revolution" or was this spinning at its earliest and finest? Consider from Nash how politically, socially, or even diplomatically the Jeffersonian presidency can make arugments for both.

3. Finally, as we begin to move into discussions of slavery and reading the novel Clotel, take a look at this summary of the Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings controversy from Monticello.org.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jefferson and Hamilton had very different visions of what America should strive to be and what the "American Dream" should be. Which ideology has won out?

Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:37:00 AM  
Blogger Jeff Pasley said...

Another similiarity between the A&S Acts and the Patriot Act would be the atmosphere of murky, undeclared "war" they were passed in: the naval "Quasi-War" with France in the late 1790s and of course the current "War on Terror."

Friday, April 14, 2006 9:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voters were given the responsibility of being the whistle-blowers in terms of the Alien and Sedition Acts. I think this was part of the governments strategy to get support from the people... by making the people feel as though they were a part of the government process, that they had some sort of role in the gov. It was to give the citizens the illusion of importance. Kind of like when you're babysitting an annoying kid who continually nags you with questions. You give the kid an "important job" of picking up toys or something and they leave you alone, while feeling proud of themselves for accomplishing something. Distract them and they don't ask questions.

Monday, May 01, 2006 7:02:00 PM  

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