Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Jonathan Jones' Questions for Discussion Sept. 13/14

For this week, please reread the excerpt from Patriarcha and take a look at Lord I am Vile and Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes. These pieces are meant to give you a picture of how religion informed the structure both of everyday lives and society as a whole in the early modern period. With this in mind, please identify some of the most basic religious beliefs that helped keep people's lives and society in order. What is original sin and what were its implications for society and government?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original Sin was the story of how Adam and Eve first sinned in the Garden of Eden. Its implications of society were that women and children were evil and needed to be controlled. This lead to submissive behavior of children towards parents. They had to bow or kneel in front of their parents and they were forced to respect them. The women had nearly the same behavior implications as children, they were expected to obey or force would be used if necessary. Its implications on government was to have a male domninated government.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The functions of the family life were primarily economic, political, and social rather than emotional. Families practiced arranged marriages and parents never seemed to be attached to their children. In this family life, religion ruled over all and was the source of all decisions. Women and children were believed to be equal and needed to be controlled since it was Eve who gave the fruit to Adam to eat in the first place. Women and children must always be submissive, bowing, kneeling, or speaking without familiarity. According to Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes, children were to show reverence, obedience, and if possible, recompense to their father and mother, be it by blood or acquaintance. Force was to be used on children or women if a “breaking of the will” was needed. Almost any and all measure that could be used to control the life of another was used. All of this started, supposedly, by the sin described in the doctrine of original sin, which was when Eve gave the fruit from the tree of life to Adam. A consequence of this came to be the overbearing power of men in the government and society as a whole.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 2:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The basic beliefs at the time was everybody is born a sinner. In Isaac Watt's poem, he starts by saying he was, "conceived in sin; born unholy and unclean." the poem countinues asking for God's forgivness. Original sin is the story of Adam and Eve. implications of this lead to coverture, what a wife owns goes to the husban, wives could never testify against their husban.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 3:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original sin is when Eve took the apple from the one tree she was told not to and that is why people in the earlier times thought that women and children needed to be controlled or contained. In society women and children were not expected to speak unless spoken to. The governments were like this until the women rights movement. Women were not allowed to run for any kind of political office or even barely allowed to live the household. Men were the primary figures back in old times even though women were the ones that made ever thing happen in the household.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original Sin of Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the graden of eden. Society saw that Women and children were sinners and had to be maintained. The men of the house were king. Women had to obey there husbands. Women had no say. Babies couldn't be baptist because they didn't understand the nature of there sins. Children had to bow and show respect at all times to there father. The role on goverment that this had was one of an all male domination.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original sin is the sin that everyone is born with because of the sins of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In early modern times, children were constantly reminded of this inherant sin because their behavior was controlled by their parents. The children weren't allowed to speak or sit unless they were give permission. Religion also gave the father complete rule over the family and household, with the women of the family having the same rights, or lack thereof, as children. This religious idea of a male dominated family and women and children having no rights carried over into the government of the time, headed by men and suppressive of womens rights.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original sin was essentially the first sin and was committed by Adam and Eve. (namely Eve) This reflects on society by the belief that women and children were evil. This belief led to children being required to kneel to their parents and address their fathers as "sir". Children, however, weren't the only ones who were forced into deep respect, women also had to obey their husbands. This all led to a male dominated government.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original sin originated from the destruction of the Garden of Eden by Adam and Eve's impurities. Eve ate from the tree and doomed them. So, women in society along with children are submisive to men who believe that they are their own god, in sense, for their seperate families. Children and women were subjects to their fathers or husbands. Society was built up around this belief so men were the rulers of the government.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 8:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam and Eve is the story of how humans obtained original sin when eve ate from the forbidden tree.Since Eve ate rom the tree society built off the fact that men should be the rulers. Women and children have essentially the same behaior towars men.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 9:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idea of original sin can be traced all the way back to Adam and Eve. Religion claimed that Adam and Eve were given everything by God and sin free, until Eve ate from the forbidden tree which infuriated God and caused God to dispel them from the Garden of Eden. Their sin cause everyone to be born from them on with sin. This carried over into society of the time period because women and children were considered to be subordinate to men. Family interactions of the time were much less emotional than what we experience today.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 9:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original sin is the story of Adam and Eve eating from the tree that God specifically told them not too. Many people believe that Eve was the one that was primarily responsible for disobeying God. The end result was that women were given subservient roles in society and were viewed as property of their husbands.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original Sin is the sin that every person is born with. The sin was originally committed by Adam and Eve; where Eve ate the apple from the tree, when God specifically told them not to eat from the forbidden tree. The implications for society and government were that everyone was born a sinner with human guilt and wrath. Even though everyone was born a sinner, the men were not looked down upon for this. The men were considered the leaders and it was a “man’s world.” The women on the other hand, had no control over anything; their husbands were the one’s who control the house where they worked at. Women were seen but not heard in society.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

original sin is important because in my opinion it keeps people in like because they know what will happen if they go against what they are told not to do. also it shows that people are generally evil and like the temtation and they dont consider the consequences when they are doing it and they act on impulse.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 12:16:00 PM  
Blogger Jessica Walter said...

The basic religious beliefs that helped keep people’s lives and society in order were basically the fact that you had to obey the orders or something bad would happen to you. Like the belief in Hell that if a person does wrong throughout their life then they are sent there to stay for all eternity and suffer for those sins which they committed. The original sin is being human. In the Spiritual Milk to Boston Babes it talks about how just being born you are a sinner. The reason why you are said to be a sinner is due to the fact that your father sinned and that just keeps going through generation and generation, you have to pretty well take in the debt of your father. All men are sinners because of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit so now mankind is in debt for that. It also talks about how it is human nature to sin; it says that because he is man is imperfect. The implications for the original sin on society and government were that man ruled over everyone with rules to follow so that they don’t stray away from what are right. It was to keep order because without who knows what would happen. -Jessica Walter

Thursday, September 13, 2007 1:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original sin is the sin that you were born with because of Adam and Eve when they ate the forbidden fruit. The basic religious beliefs that helped keep order were that women and children had to obey everything the father, or superior, said. When a man and woman got married, everything she had owned before was given to the man and the man practically owned her.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 3:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original sin come from the story of Adam and Eve. When Adam took the apple from the forbidden tree, it created a sinful world. Women had to dow down to men because me had superiority in that time. This helped keep everyone in line and kept the society going.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 4:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original sin is the concept that, because the first humans sinned (Adam and Eve and the apple) all humans born since then are tainted by that sin, and all their predecessors' sin, from birth. It meant that all people were evil, not just women and children, and that everyone would have to spend life striving to be forgiven by performing life as their gender and/or status demanded. Men were to lead their families firmly and detachedly. Women were meant to submit and take care of household and children. Children were meant to obey and serve their parents.
As head of the household, men were the only ones seen fit to take part in government. Women and children were just part of the man's social status and power.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 4:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The story of Adam and Eve with the forbidden fruit gave society the idea of original sin. This taught that children and women were inevitably evil, and needed to be control by the help of men. Therfore, men gradually became superior, and women slowly gave upu their rights and turned into property of the men. This dysfunctional structured household lacked many emotions and familiarity which is essentially the foundation of a family.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 4:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the everyday lives of these people, religion was a major role. It was a great sense of structure that was dearly needed. It not only set out a guideline of what is right and wrong politically wise, it set out a guideline of how they believed they should treat their children. It set out a structure in the sense that Adam was the father of the world and a king should be the father of the land.

These people believed that they should follow all the rules in set out in their religions and since there was only a handful at most of religions, it was a very general consensus that this was the right way to go. Since these beliefs that they had are very moral and general beliefs this was fine, but some of the tangents they took these beliefs to were a little far fetched (extreme child obedience, treatment of the mentally ill, etc.).

They believe that original sin is the sin that everybody receives even before they are born. It is the sin that comes from when Adam and Eve created the first sin, the original sin. This, in the Catholic Church, is taken away through baptism. This makes the child a member of the church, a rebirth of the child in a sense.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 4:49:00 PM  
Blogger Mary Garcia said...

Religion played a major role in the everyday lives of people in this day and age. The rules set forth by one's religion were ironclad, and mistakes where only seen as black or white. A major belief for all was that all people were descendants from Adam and Eve. The idea of "original sin" is derived from the story of Adam and Eve. "Original sin" is defined as a innate sin brought upon by Eve's succumbing to the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Every person is born with original sin, and until he/she is baptized they will have that sin on their soul. It is because of this sin that women were made the scapegoats of society, thus, were of lesser status than men.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 7:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The original sin is when Adam and Eve created the first sin by the birth of a child out of wedlock. If You are baptized in a Catholic Church you are reborn. The women and children were then thought of as being evil and needed to be controlled. Like the Patriarchia of course they would have to be controlled by the men. In this story it's also like the men were king's and the women and children had to obey. The children also had to bow down to the father to acknowledge his presence.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 7:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The original sin left us with the impression that we had a higher power that we must look up to. When Adam and Eve took the fruit they were going against the one person they had to inevitably answer to. People were born with sin due to this and the thought that all humanity has to suffer for the sins of two people, a long time ago, makes people thing about what they are doing. The general fear of punishment keeps most of society in order.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 8:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The story of Adam and Eve is the story of original sin. They tell the story of the fruit on the tree and this makes women seem evil. Making women seem evil is how the putting down of women began. Slowly they lost all rights and over time they were suppose to need there husband to make decsions for them. In government it would have been ridiculous to think a woman be incharge, as they were not even incharge of thier own household. Adam and Eve and other stories like it were the basis for making women not equal and that is why we had to have things like womens right movement and why even today they are not as equal. Religion throughout history has played a huge part so with this being a major story in the Bible obivously women lost a battle very early. They had no choice but to become servants to the actual dominators, their husbands.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 8:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original Sin is derived from the bible story in Genesis, where Adam and Eve disobeyed the Lord ate the fruit of the Forbidden Tree, this concept carried over into even todays world, where any person born is "unclean" in a sense, and born with this sin. I think this not only made women seem evil (Since Eve is the one that is discussed most) but it made ALL humans seem weak and lacking self-control. The society that picked up the main "Children and women need to be disciplined" is the Early European that we have been dsicussing in class. They took complete indulgence in "the breaking of the will" and taking advantage of what they thought to be the weaker sex and part of society (children), by having their world be male dominated- in social, political, and religious aspects.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 8:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

orignal sin started with story of adam and eve. The story from the bible states that eve was tempted and ate the furbided fruit which enturn created evil on earth. From that point on, men became supierior to women. In the article Patriarcha, "honor thy father, as if all power were originally in the father"."I see not then how the children of Adam, (meaning everyone), or any man else, can be free from sujection to their parents.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 8:46:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Original sin is the sin that everyone is born with because of Eve. In early days women and children were looked down on because men were considered superior to women in both society and in government.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that the basic Christian believe system was the most common in the early societies. Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes talks of how the fifth commandment of “honor thy Father and Mother” means to honor and obey all of a person’s superiors including people above them in their family, school, church, and common wealth (6). This means that everyone is suppose to honor the people of the government, especially the ones high up such as a king or queen. The Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes listed all of the Ten Commandments and gave a brief description of what each commandment really meant. These kept people’s lives and society in order by giving people some rules to live by. Without any set of rules to live by a society is more likely to crumble because there is no order and everyone would be living according to different rules, which causes massive problems.
The original sin was caused by Adam, although in the Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes it mentions that a babe is not born righteous since his father has sinned before him and a babe is in his father (3). This indicates that everyone is not righteous, including the government and others who are superior. The song Lord I am Vile talks about the original sin and how as soon as baby has breathed its first breath it is prone to sin (stanza 2) and that it corrupts each individual into their deepest parts (stanza 4). The implication of the original is that nobody is perfect and that because one person sinned everyone is now apt to sin and people will continue to sin no matter how good they attempt to be.

~Jennifer Claybrooks

Thursday, September 13, 2007 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original Sin is the act of Adam and Eve sinning in the garden. The people believed that everyone was born a sinner and only through one god you could receive forgiveness.The men were respected more than women and children. The father was like a "king" and had to be respected as the top person.

Thursday, September 13, 2007 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Original Sin is the idea perpetuated by the Catholic Church that all people are born unworthy and impure thanks to Eve in the garden of Eden, who tasted of the forbidden fruit and cursed all humanity to eternal suffering. This lead to the social practice of refusing to accept women as being any more intelligent or worthy of respect than a child. Society lumped women and children into a single group of presumably ignorant, sinful, leeches who were only around to serve their patriarchs. This idea was transfered to government through the Divine Right of Kings, which dictated that Kings were chosen by God as the rulers of men. Since other men (like women and children) had been passed up by God as being worthy of being Kings they were clearly not as pure or intelligent, and therefore sinful.

Friday, September 14, 2007 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JooHyun Lee
The story of Adam and Eve announced about original sin. Eve tempted from serpent and she ate an evil and good tree’s fruit and she gave to Adam too. That made broken promise with God. It effected today, man must rely on God’s grace and mercy for eternal salvation because humanity is doomed by sinful nature without God. at that time, there had grade that god is the highest rank, next king, and men, so men is king of the house because others who are women and children had to obey the men, so maybe, government also controlled by men.

Friday, September 14, 2007 1:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Original sin” is the sin of Eve in the Garden of Eden biblical story. Eve was not strong enough to resist the temptation of the devil and she and Adam ate the forbidden fruit. Their sins angered God, and consequently, as the religious of this time period believed, every human was born a sinner. In Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes, a child’s response to “Are you born a sinner,” is “I was conceived in sin and born in inquiry,” or in a questionable environment. In Isaac Watts, Lord I am Vile, it says he was “born unholy and unclean; Sprung from the man whose guilty fall,” meaning Adam.
Because of Eve’s first sin, men and women were no longer equal as God intended. The man ruled the house and family. As said in the Patriarcha, the father could be compared to a king with his family as his subjects. Robert Filmer states that the authority of kings and fathers is God given. Like a king, a father had the responsibilities to care and protect his family but his word was essentially law. Wives had their possessions forcibly transferred to their husbands. They also had no say against their husbands in a court of law. Also, children were meant to be “seen and not heard” but by God’s laws, commandments, they were to honor all superiors with reverence, obedience, and recompence.

Friday, September 14, 2007 8:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the Isaac Watts writing we can see that Adam and Eve's sin still affected the way people believed in God. Almost that they owed it to God to be his servant. People in the modern period believed heavily in heaven therefore lived for it as Watts says, "The seeds of sin grow up for death;". Also in Filmers 'Patriarcha' we see how there was such a defined hierarchy of which God was on the top. I think it was so defined because the Kings reenforced the hierarchy to show the people that they were second only to God.

Friday, September 14, 2007 8:41:00 AM  

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