Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Kris Maulden's Questions - Feb. 16/17

This week, we'll be discussing Locke's essays on p. 185-187 and p. 395-404. I'll also leave time for questions about the midterm next week, so if you have anything you want to discuss be ready to ask about it. Without further ado, here are my questions:

1. Last week we discussed how the ideas of Thomas Hobbes pertained to early Virginia. This week, how do you think Locke's theory is reflected in other colonies?

2. While Locke sees the world much differently than did Filmer and Hobbes, are there ways in which Locke's essays endorse or preserve the older patriarchal orders? Can you illustrate the ways that Locke continues patriarchy by giving examples, either from the colonies or from current events?

REMINDER FOR THE MIDTERM: Bring a blank bluebook to class on the day of the exam. You will not receive an exam until I receive a bluebook from you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Locke preserves the patriarchal views by talking about how men are placed on earth to serve one Master. He stated that humans were brought into this world by Him and to go about His business.

Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:07:00 AM  

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